
Results 17 comments of Wis

In the mean time, before this ships (which i'm looking forward to btw) I use these key bindings for discovering what the tree structure looks like. ``` super + alt...

i'm so glad you agree about the need of this feature. > And what about this idea: what if we would use the /sh/ namespace for POSIX compatible answers >...

I realized after posting that there are questions on SO [about pointers that don't have the `pointers` tag](https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=[rust]+pointer). so how useful are tags as a ranking signal to pick the...

I mentioned the shebang because I'm wasn't sure if Shellcheck can detect to which shell the code is written, I just tested it, I deleted the shebang from cheat.sh.txt (renamed...

``` $ cht.sh --shell cht.sh> go reverse a list cht.sh> c ``` too bad there's no client side caching, latency is high for some people, and it can break the...

required reading: https://opensource.com/life/16/3/twisted-road-right-left-language-support from https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/28571#issuecomment-307991443 > do you have an example of another terminal that handles this well? [mlterm](https://bitbucket.org/arakiken/mlterm) seems to be better than the average (non-web based) terminal. ![2018-11-15-023232_577x981_scrot](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9993663/48521833-eb89cc80-e87e-11e8-8dec-7775cafcc6d9.png)...

I thought you provided a well trained classifier.json, the link in the README 404s, why was it removed? @niftylettuce

good! can we contribute to the training data by forwarding spam emails from our inbox to an email address you setup?

consider using [facebook/watchman](https://github.com/facebook/watchman) which is Apache licensed and is also cross-platform with [multiple backends](https://github.com/facebook/watchman/tree/master/watcher), kqueue on OSX/MacOS and *BSD, inotify on Linux, Solaris, Microsoft Windows and a stat()-based backend. [C++...

sure, e shift+e ctrl+e ctrl+shift+e alt+e e could be any letter when one of them is pressed all fire. take a look [here](https://github.com/wis/home-row-magnet/blob/18c3499c17fd6149249e3676ada75c6cf899739f/main.cpp#L79) to see how I'm creating and later...