Updater integration was best thing which happened in r4xx, it gonna be fun to roll own version :fireworks: Few things i remember from toying with it years back - [duplication...
#### Core apps - Client - [ ] rename `Game Options` to `Client` - [x] add sections `ClientDX` and `ClientGL` which will be able to overwrite settings in `Client` -...
Always throws ` not found in scripts folder, error` even if file is there
- [ ] `bool player_connect( uint ip, string& message )` handle IP bans, called just before hardcoded checks (which will be removed after migration); called much earlier than `player_registration` and...
Currently splash screens are always picked randomly; would be nice to have control over it, for special encounters, quest-only maps, etc. `void filename_splash( string& filename, uint16 mapPid );` - `filename`...
- `string generic_description()` -- Client - `string item_description()` -- Client - `string critter_description` -- Client - `string@ critter_animation()` -- Client, Mapper All functions above must use extensions-friendly return type (C...
Currently only one scenario is known (to me), where changing __Variable leads to crash, but there might be more of them. I'd add checks for _invalid_ values on initialization, problem...
In SDK, fonline.h was always edited manually; in fact, it never was part of source repo at all. It's a _working solution_, sure, but i'd like to automate it, to...
Exception handler sets filename to `\CrashDump...txt`, which is invalid on Windows. Does not happen with MapperDX or Client*