Winicius Paiva de Siqueira
Winicius Paiva de Siqueira
Lastlogin and kolab_2fa were not compatible until I made the changes in this commit.
Lastlogin requires "roundcube/plugin-installer": "~0.1.3". I am using the plugin kolab/kolab_2fa for two factor authentication and it requires "roundcube/plugin-installer": "~0.2.0". Lastlogin and kolab_2fa are not compatible. Your requirements could not be...
When user taps keep me signed on, kolab_2fa plugin does not appear in settings.
I was uploading more than 1400 files, and the browser reloaded the page. I was only able to upload 100 to 300 files before the browser would crash. Then I...
When will the ability for a user to share a file with a specific user be available? The file should be visible for the owner and users specified by the...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It would be convenient to have an app that auto uploads new files to xbackbone. **Describe the solution you'd like**...