@andre-lima This is awesome and smooth! > It didn't work very well with the Controller interface and the collider, but it's a first step. I see that, but it is...
earlier I stumbled upon this pseudocode related to collision checking between moving objects and also static entities. just thought this might be useful or as reference.
Hey @andre-lima any updates on the grid movement controller and collider?
I see. Yes, I would prefer MinGW just as the last time and builds quietly with lesser memory requirements. As for Visual Studio, I only have VS 2015. will that...
Hi, crashing with the latest plugin and Geany 1.37.0 on Windows.. just typing any valid url or also clicking the inspector button. ``` (gdb) target exec geany (gdb) run Starting...
@elextr Windows 7 64-bit. Yes, also tried it first with the latest 1.37.1 and it crashes. I thought this will be solved when the installer message stated to use exactly...
Thanks Vladimir, With your fix above, it did build and ran ok now but for some reason when I select any obj file from the dropdown selection, it won't load...
Thanks @ryo-hisano It's close and it works, but I also need to preserve the html indentation. Is it currently possible?
@ryo-hisano hey, no worries! your solution will do for now, thanks anyways. :)
Sorry, I was waiting for your response so I stopped for a bit working on this, be back to try this again. thanks.