anki-3d-engine copied to clipboard
MinGW windres invalid option -f
I got this error now during build (MinGW 5.1 Win64)
[ 0%] Built target ankivolk
[ 12%] Built target SDL2-static
[ 12%] Built target spirv-tools-spv-amd-shader-ballot
[ 12%] Built target spirv-tools-spv-amd-shader-explicit-vertex-parameter
[ 13%] Built target spirv-tools-header-DebugInfo
[ 13%] Built target spirv-tools-debuginfo
[ 13%] Built target spirv-tools-spv-amd-shader-trinary-minmax
[ 13%] Built target spirv-tools-spv-amd-gcn-shader
[ 13%] Built target extinst_tables
[ 14%] Built target enum_string_mapping
[ 14%] Built target core_tables
[ 20%] Built target SPIRV-Tools
[ 28%] Built target SPIRV-Tools-opt
[ 29%] Built target HLSL
[ 30%] Built target OSDependent
[ 30%] Built target OGLCompiler
[ 33%] Built target glslang
[ 34%] Built target SPIRV
[ 34%] Built target ankitinyexpr
[ 34%] Built target ankitinyxml2
[ 37%] Built target ankilua
[ 39%] Built target ankiz
[ 40%] Built target BulletSoftBody
[ 48%] Built target BulletCollision
[ 52%] Built target BulletDynamics
[ 53%] Built target LinearMath
[ 54%] Built target ankiimgui
[ 54%] Built target ankispirvcross
[ 71%] Built target anki
[ 71%] Built target SDL2main
[ 71%] Building RC object thirdparty/SDL2/CMakeFiles/SDL2.dir/src/main/windows/version.rc.obj
C:\MinGW\bin\windres.exe: invalid option -f
Hi @wini3d. MinGW is not supported anymore. If you are using Windows you can build AnKi using Visual Studio (See for info on how to build). Will that work for you or you need MinGW support?
I see. Yes, I would prefer MinGW just as the last time and builds quietly with lesser memory requirements. As for Visual Studio, I only have VS 2015. will that work?
Actually I'm just curious to see how the demos works and looks like first before I do anything dev wise. The last git clone earlier took me almost 1GB bandwidth. So, would it be possible if you can just provide a official binary release(s) just to see what it looks like and how it performs on a user specific machine?
I haven't tested with VS 2015 to be honest.
Having some prebuild binaries sounds like a great idea. I'll create a package and upload them to github as soon as I return from vacation. I'll keep you posted.