Pieter du Preez
Pieter du Preez
Hi @nickd4 I would like to share the following GNU-Makefile rule that I use for loading and setting up `traceswo`: ``` make flashdbg: $(BUILD_DIR)/$(TARGET).elf gdb-multiarch -nx -nh --batch \ -ex...
The CustomHexdump template assumed that we'll be using an unsigned for the RowSize. With this patch, one can get around this, by specifying the type in the CustomHexdumpBase template. The...
This patch attempts to achieve the following: * Supplies a Makefile for building a library per supported mcu. * Works around issue #14 in a single line inside the Makefile....
The flash_set_ws() function didn't mask its input and it was possible to set more bits in the FLASH_ACR register, than just the waitstate bits. This caused the stm32f4 code to...
I am aware that a transaction mechanism is available and that it works with both clustered and non-clustered Redis instances. However, as far as I understand it, the transaction mechanism...
Hi @sewenew, This `PipelineImpl::discard()` function has a name that does not really describe what it does: https://github.com/sewenew/redis-plus-plus/blob/66d7c31a04e3d189ac36b362b1dc9d9197e2bdbb/src/sw/redis%2B%2B/pipeline.h#L39-L42 Would it not be a good idea to deprecate and replace it with...
Hi @sewenew, Are you interested to have Docker support for redis-plus-plus? I just added Docker support for redis-plus-plus-modules, and I am in the 'flow', so I thought I could just...
This patch replaces the DTL_SEPARATE_SIZE and DTL_CONTEXT_SIZE constants. The API however stays backwards compatible. The user now has the option to set the separateSize amd contextSize, when calling composeUnifiedHunks(). eg....
This patch adds documentation, explaining how to flash firmware to DFU capable multimodules. A dfu-util command was taken and adapted from: https://github.com/benlye/flash-multi/blob/master/doc/Troubleshooting.md Using dfu-util is straight forward, easy and very...
If a lock was _not_ obtained in the lock function, is it desired behavior to sleep (in line 80), even after the last retry? I think that the last retry's...