Actually not an issue but information about a (Python) tool I just released: It filters a PSDLE JSON export either on purchase date or release date. Comes in handy...
Please update build.cmd as following to make it more flexible for different VS setups, e.g. in my case I only use VS build tools which are in "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\\**BuildTools**"...
When using HENkaku with Ensō then id.dat gets updated with the spoofed FW version. This leads to an unaccessible memory card when deinstalling Ensō. Just happened to me (*). First...
* The VS projects are missing the project include dir "$(ProjectDir)..\libb64" for cdecode.h and cencode.h, which belongs directly to the project only. * The platform directories are also not in...
I want to reapply stock FW 3.65 and use h-encore. What should I consider? Or just apply stock FW with FWupdater?