Looks like this is the same issue someone mentioned to me that they were having with their MB. IIRC I think he had a x470 Gaming 7. I just recall...
You have done great work on this, I wish we would get more support from Gigabyte. If they really want an Aorus community, then they will need foster innovators.
It opened up Studio 2017 and I saved a SLN, do you want me to upload that? It wasn't a the typical "output error to command line" A window popped...
I am taking a different route and doing a HW solution: Granted I can only control things that connect via a header. Rumor has it that there might be...
I will see if I can give this a try on my Z370. Tyler did you give it a try yet on yours? What what I looked at tear downs...
I did happen to notice that after I shut down my system some LEDs were still on. I am wondering if the on board LEDs might be 5v as when...
I have been playing with it for the past couple of hours, and it looks like if the commands are executed about a ~1sec or less, then the buffer error...
No it looks like I might be introducing an issue when I have RGB Fusion running at the same time and I switch the lights off from Fusion. I am...
Just for testing, I powered off my system and pulled the power. I then launched windows and started using the tool w/o even launching RGB Fusion. Just to make sure...
I did try on a fresh boot w/o starting the Fusion UI, though on startup there has to be some processes associated with Fusion as the lights come on, when...