Jian Zhang
Jian Zhang
same problem. Does anybody know how to solve it?
> What does "a long time" mean here? Longer than the time limit you set for the test? Yes, it is. The time-limit is 120. The program got stuck for...
> Huh. That shouldn't happen! It looks like Jepsen's in the middle of making some requests to the Postgres node, and presumably it's not answering. There _should_ be timeouts here,...
I tried Jepsen on Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 10.x and Debian 9.12.0. They all have the same problem. I don't know how to deal with this. I also tried different Jepsen...
Thanks a lot for your reply! I found 0.1.18 works for my Debian 9.12.0 but 0.1.17 not. Perhaps it is this case: the iproute package was deprecated after your Debian...
wow, I didn't realize that `dot` is a library. Thank you!
> In your defense, the documentation for this is basically nonexistent! That's on me, sorry! I have successfully reproduced the phenomenon of G2-item after several days' try. I am so...
> In your defense, the documentation for this is basically nonexistent! That's on me, sorry! ah, I learnt the Jepsen from the etcd tutorial and it is based on the...
> [struc2vec.log](https://github.com/leoribeiro/struc2vec/files/2442661/struc2vec.log) Have you solved this problem? I encounter the same issue.