
Results 10 comments of alexey.d

> Yes, I think it should be fixed. > > This is the default ssh behavior. But Deployer has a special timeout feature and this can be repurposed to also...

> Implement your own abort handler as its just php code. Okay, but what should I do inside this handler? I think I need to run `kill [pid]`, but I...

> This is what Deployer does internally on timeout. Ah, got it, thanks.

I can't get this to work. I set the signal handler in the task, it is set, but it is not called when I press CTRL-C: ``` declare(ticks = 1);...

@berstend, сould you tell, does using of playwright-extra with stealth-plugin solve [this issue](, or stealth-plugin still does not work with playwright due to their own intermediate wire protocol instead of...

As an alternative, I found a solution - I repeat `npm i third-party-package` in the context of `my-app` and then remove the new line added to `package.json`. But then I...

> Hmm, you should not have dependencies separately installed for your lib. Whole point of composer is to centralize dep mgmt, so it would install everything needed on parent project...

> No. Like said before, your package should not have it's own runtime `vendor/` directory, all package's dependencies need to be in application `vendor/`. Then I'm confused about how you...

> Regarding the JA3 Hash, I guess it's correct, if it shows the same for the browser and impersonate, you're good to go. Another API worth checking is (take...

I don't really know in detail how HTTP3 works, but just wondering if it's harder to impersonate browsers on this protocol version, or conversely easier?