
Results 12 issues of windbender

Python is another language which commonly calls into C functions.

As a netbeans/eclipse/intellij user for moving up on decades now, I'd love to see something so wicked fast that I can't follow it. But I was never an emacs power...

help wanted

for example if m_authorizator.canRead() throws an unchecked exception, then this will bubble up to processSubscription and the execution pathway will never reach ``` boolean success = this.subscriptionInCourse.remove(executionKey, SubscriptionState.STORED); ``` Hence...

I've got a situation I haven't fully figured out, wherein a client _RE_ connecting with clean=false fails to receive the messages which were sent while disconnected because of an NPE....


in this code ( 144). ``` m_processor.init(subscriptions, messagesStore, sessionsStore, authenticator, allowAnonymous, allowZeroByteClientId, authorizator, m_interceptor, props.getProperty(BrokerConstants.PORT_PROPERTY_NAME)); ``` the value props.getProperty(BrokerConstants.PORT_PROPERTY_NAME) is used as the name for the server in future logging...

Right now the Authentication interface assumes a username/password. If instead something like a JsonWebToken is used to authenticate (e.g. via web socket ), then there is not concept of a...

feature req

I recently purchased the seeedstudio cape to work with their WM1302 gateway module. The included GPS unit has a different sentence structure. The following PR allows the sentence structure to...

The code as it sits ends up deleting a template ( because it's trying to use templateUrl ) This is because the check which is supposed to confirm existence of...

The solution is to check for true values

I'm taking 1.0.3 for a spin against 5.7. I created a new "customer" (my tenant entity ). all good. Then I created a new user via the hipster admin tool...