
Results 7 comments of F5

``` steps { dir('cicd') { sh 'ls -l' kubernetesDeploy( configs: './deploy.yaml', kubeconfigId: 'kebuconfig', enableConfigSubstitution: true, ) } } ``` v1.0.0 same problem, can't use dir.

I know it can be achieved by json patch replace op twice. Like this: ```yaml # patch1.yaml - op: replace path: /spec/template/spec/volumes/0 value: name: kafka-broker01 persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: kafka-broker01 # patch2.yaml...

After searching for information and testing, I found two methods: ```yaml # patch.yaml --- kind: Deployment apiVersion: apps/v1 metadata: name: kafka-broker01 spec: template: spec: volumes: - name: kafka-broker01 emptyDir: null...

I extend the trace level like this and it works. ```go const TraceLevel = zapcore.DebugLevel - 1 func NewDevZapLogger(lvl zapcore.LevelEnabler) *zap.Logger { encCfg := zap.NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig() encCfg.EncodeLevel = capitalColorLevelEncoder zapCore :=...

> @win5do How do you log a message with Trace level? There is no Trace() method, and we can't specify level when log a message. `zap.Logger` provide `Log` API that...

> @win5do but it only support string, we need something like Tracef, Tracew, e.g #933 probably a fork of zap would be better. It's easy to make a wrapper func:...