Stefan Wimmer

Results 9 issues of Stefan Wimmer

- [x] The requested variant shape does not go too far away from Iosevka's design. - [x] The requested variant does not conflict with any characters in Unicode that Iosevka...

🔃 Variant Request

It would be an helpful addition to include the information provided by the `highlight` command besides `Treesitter` and `Syntax` if possible. I get that currently with an extra function but...

good first issue

The title says it all. It doesn't look consistent if everything has a transparent background **except** the folds. Would be a nice extra to have a consistent appearance 😏

:autocmd VimEnter --- Auto-Commands --- VIM_PLUGIN_MANAGER VimEnter \* call vam#SourceMissingPlugins() NERDTreeHijackNetrw VimEnter \* silent! autocmd! FileExplorer call nerdtree#checkForBrowse(expand("")) PluginEasyTags VimEnter \* call xolox#easytags#register(1) Vimpanel VimEnter \* silent! autocmd! FileExplorer fugitive...

From time to time I have to select & copy text with the mouse and I always [switch off all nice decorative elements]( to get "plain" text for the copy...

Are there any plans to support transparency? That would be great and make this beautiful colourscheme even more beautiful 😏

Well the title says it already. I'm not sure if it's because "commentstring" is not included in plugin/securemodelines.vim ... If that's the case would you mind including it?

Added diffbackground & Diff{Add,Delete,Change,Text} to all themes

The title says it all: it would be nice to have a border option for the buffer completion window as well. Sometimes it's hard to discern the content of the...
