Hi, I tried to access http://lists.monkey-project.com/ as instructed on http://monkey-project.com/community/ but the server seems to be down. Can the mailing list be reached on another location? Kind regards, wim vinckier.
Hi All, I'm not sure who's actually still reading the issues but at least I don't have the time anymore to work on this project. Each year again since the...
I've been formatting the code and added a vim command to make patching more easy. Please merge if you like it. My goal is to merge it with [this modification](http://sysadminnotebook.blogspot.be/2011/06/xenserver-backup-solution.html#more)...
Hi, I'm running the develop version of bugwarrior and I pull from Azure DevOps. On every pull, there a lot of updates, although there aren't that much updates on the...