Translated source/destination is a showstopper for us unfortunately... NAT translations are crucial. Unfortunately, because ik like the interface more then the old nfsen...
@johnnt did you manage to fix it? I'm in the same situation. Altering /home/start.sh killed it... update: managed to fix it through UART interface, RX,TX,GND and 115200 was enough to...
Thanks for the info. I managed to "relocate" the record-to-sd-card to a NFS mount on my nas. (a usb-stick on my nas to be exactly) If someone is interested, give...
@uglagwox sorry for the late reply: This will do the trick: mount -o port=2049,nolock,proto=tcp -t nfs IP:/volume/share /mnt/mmc01/1 regards,
without the port, it doesn't seem to work:)
Hi, i did change the ANIMATION_SMOOTHING setting, but it didn't change much. My display is a oled display with I2C interface already. Maybe the docker container is a bit of...
integrating Z2T in home assistant is difficult and involves lots of custom translating stuff for the moment. PITA.
"As proof-of-concept you could do this with a CC2530 remote to zigpy-cc from a ESP8266 using ser2net" I use a esp8266 with CC2530 already to connect to a zigbee2mqtt instance....
the new chipset seems promising!! (range!)
since yesterday, getting a black screen after "add in 3,2,1....", and after pressing OK, it continues'?? Lite.