Wim Deblauwe

Results 76 comments of Wim Deblauwe

This PR is still a work in progress, but I would like to get early feedback if this is appropriate for solving #102 @alimate I would love your thoughts on...

@alimate Have you been able to look at this?

@zarebski-m I have re-instantiated the public methods of `HandledException` and also updated the unit tests. There are only 2 unit tests left: `ConstraintViolationWebErrorHandlerTest` and `ServletWebErrorHandlerTest`. They give me failures and...

Constructors are back :) For `ConstraintViolationWebErrorHandlerTest`, this test case is failing: ``` p( v(new Person("", 19)), setOf("username.blank", "username.size"), singletonMap("username.size", asList( arg("max", 10), arg("min", 6), arg("invalid", ""), arg("property", "username"))) ), ```...

To make the tests better fit with the updated design of `ErrorWithArguments`, I think it would be better to do something like this: ``` package me.alidg.errors.handlers; import junitparams.JUnitParamsRunner; import junitparams.Parameters;...

@zarebski-m Seems like the best to do it in a separate PR indeed to me as well. I think I only need an answer to https://github.com/alimate/errors-spring-boot-starter/pull/105#issuecomment-621374552 in order to finish...

Ok, final test also fixed. This is now ready to be fully reviewed (and hopefully merged :-) )

Can we progress on this? Is there anything else that is needed?

Friendly reminder @alimate

@alimate Looking forward to it :-)