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Automated Docker images for D

Results 7 dlang-docker issues
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Hey there, Is there a reason to have one image per base-image, with a distinct name? The common approach with public Docker images is to have one repository name such...

Docker images are built with cron CI in travis-ci.org but it does not work because travis-ci.org is moved to travis-ci.com. Can we move to travis-ci.com or other CI services such...

This request fixes #2. It build alpine images for dmd, ldc, and gdc. It does nothing for non-stable versions (e.g., dmd-beta, ldc-beta). I confirmed that the following commands work in...

LDC 1.8 now has musl C support

[Official D Download page](https://dlang.org/download.html) points dlanguage/dmd in DockerHub, but dlang2/dmd-circleci here seems better maintained. Is there any plans PR to dlang.org to point this, or even make this official?

I guess because the build is failing new images aren't being pushed.