
Results 7 issues of wiluite

## Expected Behavior Something similar to `BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION(expression, exception_type, predicate);` In Boost.Test (at least) there is a useful opportunity to inspect exception object itself. [BOOST_REQUIRE_EXCEPTION](https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_62_0/libs/test/doc/html/boost_test/utf_reference/testing_tool_ref/assertion_boost_level_exception.html ) ## Actual Behavior It seems...

[libiqxmlrpc](https://github.com/adedov/libiqxmlrpc) An implementation of the XML-RPC standard in C++. [BSD-2-Clause]

Hello, Right now this particular file (crime.csv) is about 101 MB, has 399573 rows and 20 columns (that results in total: 20*399573=7991460 cells). However CSV2 (benchmark/main.cpp) calculates only 7762529 cells....

Thanks for the coroutine set. The evolution of samples from the first one(02.10) to the result is awesome and produces the expected results. However, what if one would use it...

# Possible error in code: file reader.rs Check code if self.next_class = 255 existing code: if self.next_class > CLASS_SIZE { probably should be: if self.next_class >= CLASS_SIZE { ```rust const...

I slightly adjusted the script according current python requirements and new clang bindings in clang subdirectory. It does not complain anymore. Could you clarify the execution? .`/emtypen.py --form form.hpp --headers...

I think to correctly calculate an inequality position between two files you should use `if(file2_c == '\r') { file1.unget(); --read_seek; continue; }` instead `if(file2_c == '\r') { file1.unget(); continue; }`...