Wilton Lazary
Wilton Lazary
Coroutines like Kotlin: Implements coroutines and let the rest builds around then, Kotlin coroutines infrastructure is amazing and lets you keep track of context.
@danny-andrews-snap have a look on my DSL proposal, this will make others additions like coroutines to don' t need a new syntax change to look like normal language syntax, https://github.com/facebook/reason/issues/1982
My Continuation-passing style PPX is almost ready with suport for basic syntax tree constructions, async/await and any suspendable function can be implemented on top of it, no need to create...
take a look on, https://github.com/wiltonlazary/cps_ppx
I think that js only people dont know well the concept of coroutines that async computation can be built around
ReasonML is going on direction of monadic computation for async, i dont think that folks here are very inclined to coroutines or the https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/series/computation-expressions.html
Try to not reinvent the wheel, my life is much easy now thanks to the fantastic implementation of coroutine concepts as a flexible framework by https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/coroutines.html
i think that with my proposal, await can be an ordinary suspendable function. async can be an ordinary function that wraps a lambda in a promise. No need to create...
No need to reinvent the wheel, some languages already have the battle tested solution to this. https://github.com/facebook/reason/issues/1982 internal DSLs + coroutines "aka suspendable functions".