@mkrautz However, headphone button is now working in Zello. https://support.zello.com/hc/en-us/articles/230750347-Setting-a-headset-PTT-button-for-iPhone
just a bit more fyi, TeamTalk also offer this feature in iOS. And, I just did some test, any iDevices newer than 5s and iPad mini 2 and iOS9 working...
I want so. I'm very confuse about this.
I'm experiencing the same issue and found a simple workaround: Just edit this line: https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/blob/95f96dc5bc1ad6fc22fa9ede1c9fe36d4c6abb56/ultralytics/yolo/v8/detect/train.py#L170 To: ```python targets = torch.cat((batch['batch_idx'].view(-1, 1), batch['cls'].view(-1, 1), batch['bboxes'].to(dtype)), 1) ``` And it works! I...
@glenn-jocher Sure, it's here: #1939
@glenn-jocher good to hear that!
FCPX制作模版有限制, 只能用v1.5的fcpxml, 導出模版時必須選v1.5, 然後導入才會有用。我猜你的應該是這個問題, 你可以參考此篇試試: https://github.com/wilsonlmh/fiveLoadSub/wiki/%E6%95%99%E5%AD%B8:-%E5%8C%AF%E5%87%BA%E5%88%B0-Final-Cut-Pro-X
I'm considering to rewrite fiveLoadSub completely. It would be very appreciate for supporting me. Please take a look: https://gogetfunding.com/fiveloadsub-a-incredibly-easy-subtitling-software/
Hi, I'm considering to rewrite fiveLoadSub completely. It would be very appreciate for supporting me. Please take a look: https://gogetfunding.com/fiveloadsub-a-incredibly-easy-subtitling-software/
> The error lies in the fact that in **/inc/richVideoControl.standalone.js** in function **second2TimeCode(sec)** > > instead of > **var m = Math.round(parseInt(sec.toString()) / 60) || 0;** > > nessesary to...