Just as a quick heads up, Babel handles [transpiling TypeScript](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-preset-typescript) now as well, although I haven't handled transpiling both `.ts` and `.tsx` before but it should be fine.
Hey Matt, so I looked at the code and got an idea of how to implement this. The save notification will probably say something like: > It's been `n` minutes...
Makes sense, I think for my message I was going for a message with a similar vibe to how some MMO games warn you multiple times if your play session...
Yep, so in terms of implementation, I'm thinking that I'd be coding it as a standalone React component that has a `useEffect` hook for dispatching the notification and renders `null`....
@outoftime Hey Matt, I would definitely be down to do that, but I've been a bit busy recently so I'm not sure I'll get around to messing around with it...