William B. Davis

Results 4 issues of William B. Davis

## Motivation It would be nice to make it easier to add/remove expressions from filters. Currently, to create a mask around a single country and filter place labels appropriately, a...

feature :green_apple:

**mapbox-gl-js version**: `v2.9.0-beta.1` **browser**: `chrome v101.0.4951.64` ### Steps to Trigger Behavior 1. Add a tileset similar to https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-tiling-service/examples/bathymetry/ 2. Zoom in on the north pole ### Link to Demonstration https://codepen.io/willymaps/pen/vYdjrWX...

3d :triangular_ruler:

## Description of change Adding a turnstile icon ### Link to demonstration [LINK](https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/william-davis/ckneqc7t51z5q18pj5rqy7k0b.html?fresh=true&title=view&access_token=pk.eyJ1Ijoid2lsbGlhbS1kYXZpcyIsImEiOiJja2prYmpvMncwM21pMnJtbjg0NnBjbWduIn0.9n0cpRnRO06AI7oydrZjbw) --- Closes #493 . ### For author - [x] Cite changes under the `HEAD` tag in [`CHANGELOG.md`](../CHANGELOG.md)...

#### Icon Update - The current `slaughterhouse` icon should be centered - It also is not aligned to the pixel grid - Is there a better way to represent this?
