Hi, I also meet the same error. `COMMAND: java -cp "/Users/labfnp/Library/Application Support/Neo4j Desktop/Application/graphApps/_global/neo4j-etl-ui/dist/neo4j-etl.jar" org.neo4j.etl.NeoIntegrationCli export --mapping-file "/var/folders/3y/qftl0mj544l7w8mnj0_ws2300000gn/T/mysql_2020restore_2020restore_mapping.json" --rdbms:password "54890971" --rdbms:user "root" --rdbms:url "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/2020restore?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false&useCursorFetch=true&allowPublicKeyRetrieval=true" --csv-directory "/var/folders/3y/qftl0mj544l7w8mnj0_ws2300000gn/T" --options-file "/var/folders/3y/qftl0mj544l7w8mnj0_ws2300000gn/T/import-tool-options.json" --using "cypher:batch" --unwindBatchSize...
> Can you try with version 1.5.0? Actually, I had been installed Neo4j ETL today early by https://r.neo4j.com/neo4j-etl-app, but it still showed Neo4j ETL 1.4.2. I just finished reinstall again,...
It can work after updating the neo4j desktop to version 1.2.5, and I reinstall the neo4j ETL 1.5.0. Thanks a lot! :)
I[m also facing the same issue. Win 11 PyG version: 2.0.4 Torch 1.11/ CUDA11.3 installed by conda
The link seem don't work any more. > In appearance, there are some problems when working specifically with CRA, because the installation in react project, which was created by "hands"...