Will Willems
Will Willems
Since the author doesn't seem that invested in this repo anymore I've forked, updated and fixed it [here](https://github.com/NickolasBoyer/vuexfire). Everything should be working fine using that repo.
> I agree that this is a nice to have at some point. I guess we could achieve the same thing using the native Notifications API (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/notification). This doesn't "save"...
I am curious, why would you prefer this? Vuetify can at times be pretty unstable and buggy and really forces a certain structure upon the user while Bulma is a...
This is probably the best option, though not completely free depending on your situation: https://github.com/alvarotrigo/vue-fullpage.js
I ended up fixing this by commenting out the line where the `expandHome` function was called and the line further in the file where the variable that is created in...
The ability to manually specify a PR with an empty option would be great as well
> Does express not try ... catch async methods or something? ☝️
Basically it's just running ``` import Emulator from "google-pubsub-emulator" const emulator = new Emulator({ project: process.env.PUBSUB_PROJECT_ID, port: process.env.PUBSUB_PORT, debug: true }) await emulator.start() ``` without "properly" calling ``` await pubsub.stop()...
Ah I should have mentioned that, we use it to setup a local dev env along with another solution to emulate the cloud functions we trigger with it.
For a quick fix export the player variable in the svelte YT component and `bind:player` in the parent to access the payer instance.