Will Velida
Will Velida
Hey @marcduiker, I was thinking a bit of a mix between theory and demo, with the demo showcasing how things work in isolated functions (bindings, DI, middleware etc). So for...
Will just show .NET 5 code I think. I have a simple function in mind that I can build that will demonstrate the main differences. I'll start work on a...
I've managed to fix the underlying issue. I changed the App Setting that the ServiceBusClient uses in the Startup.cs file to ```ServiceBusEndpoint``` and the Service Bus Trigger now successfully starts....
@aslotte I'm interested in picking this issue up 👍 I'm leaning towards letting the user request the model being exported to ONNX over converting each model to ONNX, but I'm...
I like adding a property to ```RunArtifact``` to store the file extension 😊 It seems a much more simpler approach than writing numerous overloads for different types of models, while...
@aslotte sure! 😊