#1117 and #1118
This may be a helpful document to pull from https://github.com/oasis-roles/meta_standards/blob/master/README.md
@ehelms updated PR to introduce a new role rather than an extension to the existing role.
@gdpak I'm not sure what that means or how to do that.
Sorry, I missed the updates to this issue. The `Workshop Credential` includes a username and key for connecting to systems. This is a request to add the admin password used...
@IPvSean Request to re-open this issue.
What output do you want to see and why? If you click on the task you can see stdout. This is a horrible practice but it shows that we can...
there is a role for that here https://github.com/RedHatInsights/ansible-collections-insights/tree/master/roles/insights_client would need to integrate into the lab
Closing as #51 has been merged
maybe? is that the only way insights knows if a system is updated?