Results 165 issues of Will

this may take the form of a dockerfile / kubernetes setup for provisioning. The goal is to minimize the effort to go from having a registered domain to having a...

currently, the use of uses an rsa private key for signing. The signature type is supported by GPG directly, and one could imagine DKIM signing directly with a pre-existing...

Bifrost makes use of the `traceparent` http header for span tracing. Saturn should consider implementation of spans and of tracing exports for diagnostics

The current translation looks like ```mermaid flowchart LR A[Caboose] -->|/file.big?bytes=0:1024| cr["car range"] subgraph L1 cr -->|/file.big| nx["nginx caching"] nx -.->|"`*on cache miss*`"| l1["l1 shim"] l1 --> l["lassie"] end l -->...

Right now, the stated plan from `bifrost-gateway` is that: > `curl -X HEAD` → `curl -X GET saturn.tld/ipfs//path/to/data?format=car&bytes=0:1023` * lassie expects to ignore the `bytes=0:1023` range request portion of...

Per - there is a desire for clients to be able to signal support for additional semantics in their requests to the gateway handler. introduced a spec location...


`PrototypeFromLink(link ipld.Link) (ipld.NodePrototype, error)` is a weird thing to have as part of the fetcher interface. This seems to be a function of the active ipld linksystem, and it seems...

currently in selector form, which may be harder to serialize

There is currently no metric exposed in the http delegated routing client on whether any providers have been found from queries to http routing providers. this means there's no insight...


currently, `GRAPH_BACKEND=true` needs to be specified as an [environmental variable]( in order to make the backend requests to an HTTP trustless gateway that we would expect. * this behavior is...