Results 165 issues of Will

Remaining: * [x] cleaner/more efficient teeing implementation (remove un-needed buffer copies) * [x] Add test demonstrating skipping arbitrary prefixes of the car

as seen in the legs synchronization we ended up seeing memory exhaustion at traversals of ~10,000 depth, and ended up segmenting the traversal process into smaller selectors limited to...


It should be straight-forward to take a car, and ask for it to be streamed out in depth-first selector traversal order from the root. This mode should: * warn if...


it may be possible for a malformed car to specify a symlink, and then later in the same directory specify another entry with the same name, that could then be...


The common form of [Index]( introduced in Car V2 is to lay out the CIDs in the car in a sorted table that can be quickly walked through with a...


`NewBlockReader` takes an `io.Reader`, however when passed `os.Stdin` with a carv2 payload, the call to new will error with "seek /dev/stdin: illegal seek" It's unclear how this is trying to...

["schemafree link emission only supported by this codec for CID type links"]( is not the most useful error, and should at least provide some debugging help of what was provided...

good first issue

Suppose you have a struct define as ``` ts.Accumulate(schema.SpawnStruct("Example", []schema.StructField{ schema.SpawnStructField("Optional", "String", true, false), }, schema.SpawnStructRepresentationMap(map[string]string{}))) ``` and you serialize it: ``` node := _Example { Optional: _String__Maybe{v:schema.Maybe_Abscent} } linkPrototype.Build(ctx,...

was trying to understand data of an unknown schema, and wanted to load it into an `Any` node from cbor. got the following rejection: ` error: cannot match schema: union...

It would be very useful to have a `schema/gen/go` schema that exercises the different types and edges of the schema (which schemaschema already does in a meta way), along with...