A quick and dirty workaround without rebuilding DXA is to do the following: 1. Wire in (in a Spring initialization class) a standard ViewResolver before the ContextualDeviceUrlBasedViewResolvers kick in ```...
Dirty hack while waiting for this fix is to add an onApplicationEvent for context refresh in your custom RichTextDataConvertor: ``` @Component @Primary public class MyRichTextDataConverter extends RichTextDataConverter implements ApplicationListener {...
I suspect the logic in FieldPath is incorrect somewhere around here: https://github.com/sdl/dxa-web-application-java/blob/58a4fdebafc192b9a87570c684bd97d9091fdc5f/dxa-framework/dxa-common/src/main/java/com/sdl/webapp/common/api/mapping/semantic/config/FieldPath.java#L63
Its Web 8.5 with DXA Java 1.7. Unfortunately I don't have a reproduction scenario - its sporadic, but I notice that the issue has been around for longer: https://tridion.stackexchange.com/questions/15847/problem-using-xpm-to-edit-image/15849#comment23104_15849
Understood - I will update to log conflicts - Given that the CM implementation is temporary (a workaround until there are proper regions in the CM), why not reuse the...
OK - you convinced me - I will make that update
Note the change in PR #27 - this means that rather than logging conflicts in region mvc data, we can simply start rendering a new duplicate region - which is...
Note that I have added the _regionRouteValues_ metadata field after the _regionName_ metadata field, and now have following Descriptions for the CT metadata fields: - routeValues: _Entity Parameters (comma separated...
Sorry Rick - I got confused between my various branches and pull requests. I think everything is as it should be now...
This sounds like I would need to duplicate all my component templates - so not an ideal solution - or do I misunderstand?