willis plummer

Results 10 comments of willis plummer

thanks for opening this pr! was just looking for this info 👍

this solution worked for me + I think this issue can be marked as resolved 👌

I'm running into this too on a fresh `stack init` project -- not vscode specific though: I see it when I exec `ghcide` from the command line as well

@fendor i see that PR was merged but i haven't been able to find anything about how to ignore certain files?

I've run into this issue as well. Something related that I've noticed is that in the transpilation stage it seems that react function components aren't handled correctly. Instead of being...

i'm getting local build issues with this branch too: ``` ➜ vuera git:(updates-and-hooks) yarn build yarn run v1.22.10 $ cross-env BABEL_ENV=rollup rollup -c src/index.js → dist/vuera.cjs.js... Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated....

I've really enjoyed using a suite of snapshot tests in conjunction with unit tests in Javascript. The unit tests allow for you to assert about the specifics of how a...

👋 I just spent an hour trying to figure out why my query and variables weren't matching and it turned out that the date strings i was passing to the...

I had the same experience as @0Lucifer0 — would be nice if the github action could fail loudly or provide more insight into why the task isn't getting deployed correctly