老王 Willin (v0)

Results 47 comments of 老王 Willin (v0)

want too

how to run a basic demo? here's my project: .babelrc ```json { "presets": [ "env" ], "plugins": [ "transform-pipeline" ] } ``` src/index.js ```js function doubleSay(str) { return `${str}, ${str}`;...

p.s. ```js let result = "hello" |> doubleSay |> capitalize |> exclaim; ``` is inline ok?

package-lock.json tried no use, - npm: 5.3.0 - yarn: 0.27.0

travis error is caused by babylon update here's a example project: https://github.com/willin/esnext-pipeline-biolerplate

Test2: bablrc: ``` json { "presets": [ "es2015-loose", "stage-1" ], "plugins": [ "proxy", "transform-runtime" ] } ``` test.js: ``` js exports.test = 123; ``` demo.js: ``` js import test from...

Test3: test.js ``` js exports.test = () => 123; ``` err msg: ``` obj[propName] = val; ^ TypeError: Cannot create property 'function () { return 123; }' on string 'test'...

without this plugin use ``` bash babel-node --harmony-proxies demo.js ``` it's ok perhaps https://github.com/samshull/node-proxy may help

p.s. microsoft products all have specific version for chinese users.