Lacey Henschel
Lacey Henschel
Just realized that when I accepted some attendees from the waitlist, then emailed them through the Messaging app, it emailed ALL accepted attendees, resulting in duplicate email notifications. It would...
From attendee: > Can someone confirm which answer I selected? I was distracted, and the thank you page didn't let me know whether I selected accept or decline. I wanted...
- Bad thread. Take off several yards to get out of a bad section and re-thread - Dull needle. Change the needle. - Threaded badly. Re-thread the needle - Tension...
## Writing ### [Extension Pack for writers]( - [Typewriter Scroll Mode]( Use vscode like a typewriter. - [AlexJS Linter]( Find gender favouring, race related, religion inconsiderate or other unequal phrasing....
So I can text emojihaiku poems from my phone if I want. Cause that would be awesome.
Add sparse punctuation randomly; always ending with a period or ellipses, never at the beginning of a line.
Blame Jay Miller! His podcast encourages conferences to submit a 30-second pitch video to promote the conference.