
Results 18 comments of williamesp2015

Hi @uzi18. If FS.h change class File name it will solve the problem. I tried to change in my project but other files like WebServer.cpp uses FS.h too. Complete errors:...

Thanks. I use ESP32 and Arduino platform. I successsflly implemented SdFat using classic hardware SPI port. In another board, I must change the GPIOs so I added SPI begin with...

Hi everyone. If your are using Arduino-ESP32 follow this example to use SdFat: SPI.begin(14,2,15,13);//SCK,MISO,MOSI,ss change in SdSpiESP8266 Change 50 to 10 in: configure pins: pinMode(SS, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SS, HIGH); pinMode(SCK, OUTPUT);...

To avoid any conflict you have to change your ESP32 program: #define SD_FAT_TYPE 3//0 in bench add SPIClass SD_SPI(VSPI); or SPIClass SD_SPI(HSPI); #define SPI_CLOCK SD_SCK_MHZ(25) // Try to select the...

in logdata() ESP32 crashed at memset(fifoBuf, 0, sizeof(fifoBuf)); ERROR: Guru Meditation Error: core 1 panic'ed (Unhandled debug exception) Debug exception reason. Stack canary watchdog triggered (loop Task)

> I need the values of MPU6050_RA_WHO_AM_I, MPU6050_WHO_AM_I_BIT, MPU6050_WHO_AM_I_LENGTH > > ``` > Serial.print("MPU6050_RA_WHO_AM_I = " ); > Serial.printf(MPU6050_RA_WHO_AM_I ); > Serial.printf("MPU6050_WHO_AM_I_BIT = "); > Serial.printf(MPU6050_WHO_AM_I_BIT); > Serial.printf("MPU6050_WHO_AM_I_LENGTH = ");...

I select 1-8 to change setRate but it is not sensitive for raw data.

Dear @ZHomeSlice you haven't respond to the issue regarding custom Acc and Gyro measurement range not fixed 2g and 2000 Degree/sec.

Hi @krzychb, Thank you very much. When we upload the data directory to a web, require to change IP and then connect to ESP with same internet access, but from...

Hi @krzychb, If I change ws:// to ws://http://mydomainname.org:81 or ws://www.mydomainname.org:81 or use original index.html (hostName.value = "ws://" + location.host + ":81";) can not connect to the ESP because web server...