actually, -ocamlopt "ocamlopt -O3" seems to work better. It would be nice to group those flags (-cflags, -lflags, -ocamlc, -ocamlopt, -ocamlmklib, ...) as tags useful if features are not supported...
in sample.ml, there is the case : ``` let () = if a then ( b ) else ( c ) ``` You should add the case : ``` let...
same apply for this : ``` let _ = (* 0 *) List.iter (fun i -> (* 2 *) Printf.printf "%i\n" (* after '(' *) ) int_list; (* on '('...
the latter case also seems to be missing from sample.ml
do you have advice on how to get back indentation ? As I am on debian jessie (emacs 24.4.1 & tuareg 2.0.7), what should I try ? I already tried...
I guess this is only the last comment from "monnier" that was a re-indentation of the initial example, without changing the comments.