Will Tran

Results 9 issues of Will Tran

When running with these flags ``` -javaagent:/Users/wtran/.m2/repository/io/opentracing/contrib/specialagent/opentracing-specialagent/1.7.4/opentracing-specialagent-1.7.4.jar -Dsa.log.level=FINER -Dsa.exporter=/Users/wtran/.m2/repository/io/opentracing/contrib/jaeger-client-bundle/1.0.0/jaeger-client-bundle-1.0.0.jar ``` Specialagent errors with ``` > Resolving tracer: /Users/wtran/.m2/repository/io/opentracing/contrib/jaeger-client-bundle/1.0.0/jaeger-client-bundle-1.0.0.jar SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger...

When rolling out specialagent to existing, complex architectures, I'm finding that there are many traces that don't correspond to the use cases that intend to be traced. To make a...

I'd like to: 1) Build the Kakfa Streams rule (https://github.com/opentracing-contrib/java-specialagent/pull/494) as a separate jar that can be included in `-Dsa.instrumentation.plugin.include=`, so I don't have to wait for it to be...


I have a Spring Boot application and can use either JUnit 4 or 5 for running `@SpringBootTest` integration tests. I'd like to write some tests that ensure trace propagation happens...


https://github.com/opentracing-contrib/java-kafka-client/blob/release-0.1.15/opentracing-kafka-client/src/main/java/io/opentracing/contrib/kafka/HeadersMapInjectAdapter.java#L38 ```java @Override public void put(String key, String value) { headers.add(key, value.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } ``` This just appends headers to the end of the list, and `inject` can happen repeatedly in...

``` $ spring encrypt "cli encrypted value" --key foobar Unable to initialize due to invalid secret key ``` It would be nice to have a better error message suggesting to...


**Describe the bug** When I simulate exporter errors and use health check with `check_collector_pipeline` enabled, I get a response like ``` $ while true; do python3 test.py; curl -v localhost:13133;...


When you bump final a semver that's already final, I want the patch to be bumped. Currently, a new version is not produced. ``` Current: 1.0.0 --> bump final -->...

When using `TracingInterceptor`: > when doing multiple async requests simultaneously, parent spans created before invoking the client are not properly inferred. Does this effect auto-instrumentation projects like [java-specialagent](https://github.com/opentracing-contrib/java-specialagent/tree/v1.6.0/rule/okhttp/src/main/java/io/opentracing/contrib/specialagent/rule/okhttp) and the...