Will Tran

Results 15 comments of Will Tran

The `*` on secrets as a cluster-role is a giant red flag. When using the `--namespaces` flag, you can scope the secrets api calls down to specific namespaces. But it's...

The behaviour I was seeing where `--namespaces` was being used to list/watch secrets might be explained by the alertmanager operator not using its `AlertmanagerAllowList` https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/3e4a6187161c743802182d63e962c63b76ee3359/pkg/alertmanager/operator.go#L189-L199

With tail sampling implemented in otel-collector, and jaeger kafka recevier and exporter just implemented in #2221 and #2135, would this work *and* be HA? jager-client -> otel-collector (http receiver, jaeger_kafka...

I'm in the middle of upgrading a closed-source project to 1.3 and running into the same issues, and found that guide helpful. Did simply replacing OAuth2SsoConfigurerAdapter for WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter work for...

Sorry for the late reply @balteo, I didn't turn on the "watch" setting on this repo until now. I've since fixed it and rebased the fix to make history look...