William Silversmith

Results 358 comments of William Silversmith

Not sure if I'm ready to sign and leave, but one thing that might be more convincing to me is if there was a trigger upon reaching some threshold of...

I was going to experiment with zfpy on MacOS but it seems installing from source didn't work well either. Thanks for putting this library together! ``` (cv) $ pip install...

Hi Dr. Lindstrom! Yes, it's possible to pass it using `extra_compile_args`. I have some examples here from a module I'm working on: https://github.com/seung-lab/pyspng-seunglab/blob/master/setup.py#L46-L55

I took a closer look and it seems that was not sufficient to get it to build. I was able to compress and decompress a numpy array after using `python...

Just gave it a try and still getting the same error unfortunately. T_T ``` (tmp) wms:~$ pip install zfpy --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir Collecting zfpy Downloading zfpy-0.5.5-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl (95 kB) |████████████████████████████████| 95 kB...

Oh hey, that worked! I can definitely use this for experiments. Thank you!

Hi Frank, No I was just uploading a bunch of them to Google Cloud Storage and thought it would be good to label them accurately as the file specification didn't...

These were files encoded using https://github.com/seung-lab/DracoPy, which is a wrapper around the C++ draco codec. I believe that means they are `.drc` files though there is no `.drc` extension.

Thanks Frank! Fwiw, I manually set the "Content-Type" field so the filename extension will have no impact on that.

I think if you run `node-gyp configure` and then edit `build/Makefile` you can add `-s WASM=0` to the cmd_link configuration. I got it to produce nbind.js and nbind.js.mem rather than...