II think we'd need to support this use case better since I believe: 'The RPC client must consume in the [automatic acknowledgement mode](https://www.rabbitmq.com/docs/confirms).' excerpt from https://www.rabbitmq.com/docs/direct-reply-to#limitations Because auto-ack isn't what...
To clarify the use case here, are you asking for the ability to specify on the message when you push it to the queue a point in time which it...
+1 Until there's something better you'd have to derive it from the [bmqp module dox](https://github.com/bloomberg/blazingmq/blob/93e6426d474a4293d38244a9ada6dc8cbafe5711/src/groups/bmq/bmqp/README.md) and the control message schema: https://github.com/bloomberg/blazingmq/blob/93e6426d474a4293d38244a9ada6dc8cbafe5711/src/groups/bmq/bmqp/bmqp_ctrlmsg.xsd https://github.com/bloomberg/blazingmq/blob/93e6426d474a4293d38244a9ada6dc8cbafe5711/src/groups/bmq/bmqp/bmqp_protocol.h These give you a good sense of the...
I would be very surprised if the bytes were not written in 'Network byte order' using the equivalent of `hton*/ntoh*` style functions at the low level.