The following article needs to be update: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.graph.identity.signins/get-mginformationprotectionbitlockerrecoverykey?view=graph-powershell-1.0 Please add information about using -Select and a example to use -Select Key The most common usage for the cmdlet is... Get-MgInformationProtectionBitlockerRecoveryKey...
The "*MgRoleManagementDirectoryRole*" cmdlets appears to fall under the "Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement.Enrolment" package which is not right. They should technically fall under "Microsoft.Graph.Identity.DirectoryManagement" Azure AD Role management is not part of Intune or...
Using the -pagesize parameter does not work in PowerShell 5.1. It does not add the $top parameter to the MS Graph request. For example... Get-MgUser -All -PageSize 999 Get-MgGroup -All...
Other MS powershell modules supports a way to specify which account to sign in with... Connect-AzAccount -AccountId Connect-AzureAd -AccountId MS Graph PowerShell doesn't have this yet. Please add this. This...
The OwinContext appears to be a global setting or at least it impacts the next users session. 1. User A goes to sign in and HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Get("Policy") gets set with Policy...
### Documentation related to component Doesn't exist however this is related to the appsettings.json ### Please check all that apply - [X] documentation doesn't exist ### Description of the issue...