Mike Wille
Mike Wille
@TTimTT Did you manage to get it working? If so, how? Thank you.
I'll be tackling this and keep you updated! Looks like by using a callback function, the usage of the `cert_resolver` is out of scope now. Which might mean fiddling around...
I'll try to feed a custom cert resolver with a rust promise, create a new op which waits for that promise to resolve. So `op_net_accept_tls` becomes a two-part thing. If...
I talked to the very friendly developers of the rustls project on Discord. `cert_resolver` is for non-async only. What we need is `Acceptor` and `Accepted`, which seems to fit the...
@bartlomieju I'm stuck with the handshake problem. I committed a dirty work-in-progress branch with the new `resolveCertificate` function for the `TlsListener`. Please see my branch at https://github.com/wille-io/deno/tree/tls-handshake-problem. I added two...