Will Dawson

Results 14 comments of Will Dawson

How long does Atom typically take to start up or open a project using `File > Open`?

@nomoth @suprko Any console errors in Atom's inspector (`View > Developer > Toggle Developer Tools`)?

@nomoth Yeah unlikely to be from this package! Just to clarify, no matter what project you try to save, you get the green success notification but `~/.atom/projects.cson` isn't updated and...

@rockethouse If you have Auto Discovery on in Project Plus's settings, any project you open at least once will be visible in the project finder. That's my best guess as...

@nextgenthemes Do you know how international keyboard bindings resolve inside of Atom? If you could, toggle the keybinding resolver in Atom and see what `strg+alt+p` resolves to. There is an...

You're right, `ctrl-alt-p` does seem to be a core keybinding. You can toggle the keybinding resolver with `ctrl-.` on linux. Could you check that `alt-shift-p`, `alt-shift-tab` and `ctrl-alt-shift-tab` are currently...

@nextgenthemes Can you see any console errors in Atom's developer tools?

Seems like there's an issue over on atom for this error (https://github.com/atom/atom/issues/11806). Possible causes are running beta and stable Atom side-by-side. There's a few resolutions listed too like clearing your...

@nextgenthemes Is this a duplicate of #66?

Could you please give some more info on the issue you're experiencing?