Yong Yuan

Results 16 issues of Yong Yuan

when I install SimpleCV on Ubuntu 14.04 and run the command `sudo pip install -r requirements.txt`, it throws an exception as follows: ``` sh willard@willard-PC~/python/cv/SimpleCV $ sudo pip install -r...

Hi @ludwigschmidt, I find the find_k_nearest_neighbors() function only returns the index of the search result, with no distance returned. Is it possible to return distance using find_k_nearest_neighbors() function? Looking forward...

@kevinlin311tw Hi Kevin, I have written a small Python code to generate binary codes. It may be useful for someone interested in Python: ```python #coding=utf-8 import numpy as np import...

@filipradenovic Hi filipradenovic, I find there is a bug when `pos` is empty in [evaluate.py#L80](https://github.com/filipradenovic/revisitop/blob/master/python/evaluate.py#L80). If there is no positive result in the ranking result, such as rank@10, the `pos`...

This is the cpp api of VLFeat for covdet feature and kd-tree. I have tested covdet feature and kd-tree, and the result is right (I have used it for image...

Hi, vishwa91 Before doing RANSIC, the matches is plotted as follows: ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5379711/8002693/7b1cdb56-0ba3-11e5-9a20-ac82b6e0817b.png) In the code: ``` python out = ransac(im1, im2, plist) print 'Homography matrix: ', out H = inv(out)...

Hi, jesolem. In the `sift.py`: ``` python cmmd = str("sift.exe "+imagename+" --output="+resultname+ " "+params) os.system(cmmd) ``` I have read you blog post [Another Python Interface for SIFT](http://www.janeriksolem.net/2011/06/another-python-interface-for-sift.html). You use the...

since the python 2.7.x contains the `sqlite` and the version is `sqlite3`. The imagesearch.py in the **PCV**: ``` python from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite ``` should be corrected as...

Hi, jesolem. In your `examples2` I'm very glad to see this: > This folder contains work in progress and files intended for the second edition of "Programming Computer Vision with...

Hi @lucasb-eyer, I have done a experiment on an instance image retrieval. The loss is converged well, and the batch-p@K goes to almost 100%. I used the model to tested...

question (not issue)