Will Whang
Will Whang
+1, also fresh install
L7 should be 8.2nH, I'll fix that typo, thanks! C21 is decouple cap for GPS antenna power, so it is fine to replace with other similar cap, just pick NP0...
Yeah.. I think that's a little bit overkill, maybe replacing it with 100ohm will be fine.
You can enable the debug output from lora_gateway/libloragw/library.cfg And see which component failed.
DOS時代字型好像沒什麼可以選的... 只是沒想到義守的FTP把整個Windows資料夾移掉了 手邊只有Github上面的這幾個而已. 當時是因為考慮到pt 8~12這種等級的用傳統的點陣字型就好,沒特別改用向量字型 我可能可以晚點改寫一個向量版本的字型檔案,總之在read_char的function裡面應該可以接成現在常見的向量字型檔案
I think you can generate the BOM with the pcb files.
> Could you squash the fixes and split this into one commit per sensor please? Then I think it would be far closer to being able to merge directly to...
I see, sounds good! Just separated the commits for IMX283 and IMX585, let me drop the IMX294 since it is probably not polished yet. Thanks!
Hi @kbingham, I've updated the commits. Thanks!