Wilker Lúcio

Results 33 issues of Wilker Lúcio

Hi, im wondering if this plugin will work with a Mongo database (in this case, im using Mongoid). If it does, could you please write some docs about it? If...

Hello, I just started configuring my zprint, but I noticed that when we override functions we do so by using the alias name, but different projects might use different aliases...

I was thinking that would be nice if we could see some indicator on the page when Figwheel is compiling the scripts, this way the users would know that a...

Hello, would be possible to have some configuration that makes maps always print sorted? This would be a massive gain in my workflow, I'm regularly dealing with big maps, and...

Hello, I found an issue when using organize imports in cljc files. Here is an example: ```clojure (ns some-namespace (:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is]])) #?(:cljs (deftest some-test (is (= 1...

When using tests in Cursive that don't use the format `(is (= something something-else))`, Cursive will display the raw results in the tooltip on mouse over: But when trying to...

Hello, I've noticed this problem from time to time, I use the keyword search to find a keyword that I'm sure is part of the project, but Cursive can't find...

Recently many projects are adopting clj-kondo, would be nice if Cursive could pick up the `:lint-as` configurations and use those from clj-kondo config, so users wouldn't have to configure on...

When using namespaced maps (eg: `#:some-ns {:key "value"}`), cursive is able to find the completions using the base keys inside, but they are hard to explore unless you know their...

Hi, In my code I have a search that uses the group feature, as in the following code: ``` ruby search = Sunspot.search(Spree::Product, Catalog::Book) { group :format_description } search.group(:format_description).groups.map(&:value) ```...