Wilian M.

Results 13 issues of Wilian M.

Anyone willing to fix the aforementioned bugs? I have no knowledge in rust, otherwise it would help

problem when picking up weapons from the ground, values other than ammunition, if you have 10/30 and drop the weapon, if another player picks up the weapon he will only...

this plugin works with 'pure hlds' but does not work with 'rehlds', both servers have amxmodx 1.10.5413 [auto_plant_c4.zip](https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/files/6053805/auto_plant_c4.zip)

if you try to change cvar 'sv_auto_precache_sounds_in_models' for example, you won't be able to because it's too big. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31930046/158892941-f326aee6-8c8b-4a22-99dd-2daecd7fbd7c.png) in admincmd.sma public cmdCvar(id, level, cid) default: new arg[32], arg2[64] change...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31930046/71647805-7d020b00-2cda-11ea-9503-dd4d214bbd78.png) Add a "Weapon Origin" option equal to HLMV

Add option to show on all monitors 'taskbar'

many things have been improved, what do you think about updating to the latest? https://socket.io/docs/v4/server-api/

Why not create support for php as well? I checked the documentation and it has almost every language, and in PHP it is also possible, I am willing to help...

other languages

put a system to obfuscate the JS, this function would be interesting for those who want to 'difficult' to read the minified and obfuscated code. like: https://github.com/javascript-obfuscator/javascript-obfuscator

Well, I downloaded the steamcmd server from 0, added rehlds + regamedll + reapi + amxmodx 1.10, everything updated to the latest recent version. not my Ubuntu 22.04, I updated...