
Results 9 issues of Dave

## Description Trying to build mxnet for Ubuntu as explained here: https://mxnet.apache.org/versions/1.9.1/get_started/ubuntu_setup.html I get the following errors (_Fehler_ is the german word for _error_) ### Error Message /home/gigi/Downloads/mxnet/src/operator/contrib/bilinear_resize-inl.cuh(228): warning: variable...

needs triage

I'm trying to create my own OpenAI compatible environment for the "cartpole.urdf" robot . The problem: Even running the cart on one direction (+ 15m on the x axis), the...

I'm following this tutorial found on this [link](https://volatilemark.github.io/opentrack-wine-guide/) step by step. I'm trying to build Opentrack with X-Plane (Wine) support, because otherwise I cannot use it in my X-Plane 12...


## Description Trying to pass _class_weights_ to a _SoftmaxCrossEntropy_ loss function leads to the following error: ### Error Message ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "mx.py", line 104, in...

needs triage

Hi guys, I was trying Phil's code on my new server. The code he did is available [here](https://github.com/philtabor/Youtube-Code-Repository/blob/master/ReinforcementLearning/PolicyGradient/actor_critic/continuous_mountain_car_actor_critic.py) and [here](https://github.com/philtabor/Youtube-Code-Repository/blob/master/ReinforcementLearning/PolicyGradient/actor_critic/actor_critic_continuous.py). Since I didn't change the code (the only change is...

**Documentation page(s) concerned** [Link to the concerned page.](https://github.com/cyberbotics/webots_ros2/blob/master/webots_ros2_turtlebot/launch/robot_launch.py) **What is the problem with the current documentation?** In many launch files, the robot_description parameter has been replace by the following string:...

I'm trying to implement a simulation environment using Panda-Gym, but I couldn't find enough information. I'm still confused about the difference among the following: _observation["observation"]_, _observation["achieved_goal"]_ and _observation["desired_goal"]_ . Initially...


I installed python-can using conda and then pip. In both cases I had some problems, because some features, which are in the documentation, are not available. After searching for a...

Hello, I was studying carefully the code for the panda reach task and 2 questions came up to my mind: 1. The `observation` vector returned by the system contains the...
