@mingtsay 嗯嗯~ 我有空再去研究研究 mozTW/base @irvin 了解,現在看來大致上是 OK,有人發現什麼問題再跟我說一聲我來補或是直接在 pattern 作修正就好
@irvin 麻煩你幫忙 assign 這個給我一下~
我是覺得對維護有幫助,畢竟現在的資料夾多那一層蠻冗餘的,如果可以消掉只留單純的資料未嘗不是一件好事,未來要做進一步的改進也會比較方便,總之我先弄弄看吧,學習才是我的主要目的 ;P
好,這個我有空來做好了 (為明年 COSCUP 做點準備XD)
太貪心啦!不過是好的新功能請求XD 感謝建議! Let's talk about it in English so that others could know what we are talking about! :D
The HTML notation of ads might be different from regular search result. So I might need to update the dom crawler to hide result prefixed by "Ad". Thanks for reporting...
Currently, you could add `.tk`, `.cf`, `.ml`, `.gq`, `.ga` in order to block those websites from search results. But it is still better to have this feature. :)
got it. APIs seems supported, it will be support soon.
Hi @SyaoranChang could you provide more details? I don't know what 'panel' you mention is...