Bryan Lozano
Bryan Lozano
Can we use some standard C++ way of measuring time? `#include ` ``` [ 97%] Linking CXX executable xcl_vcu_test.exe /scratch/bryanloz/mambaforge/conda-bld/xilinx-runtime_1655485890460/_build_env/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu/9.3.0/../../../../x86_64-conda-linux-gnu/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/xcl_vcu_test.exe.dir/src/plugin_dec.cpp.o: undefined reference to symbol 'clock_gettime@@GLIBC_2.2.5' /scratch/bryanloz/mambaforge/conda-bld/xilinx-runtime_1655485890460/_build_env/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu/9.3.0/../../../../x86_64-conda-linux-gnu/bin/ld: /scratch/bryanloz/mambaforge/conda-bld/xilinx-runtime_1655485890460/_build_env/bin/../x86_64-conda-linux-gnu/sysroot/lib64/ error adding...
CMake Option provided for building XRT components with static linkage, but user has no choice The point of CMake options is to allow the person building your software to...
In Ubuntu, I can do `sudo apt-get install opencl-headers` It brings down this package: Is there a tag in this repo that I can use to match the files... Should we make new enums, since these are depracated? `XRT_BO_SYNC_BO_TO_DEVICE` for example? Or maybe `xrt::bo::direction::to_device`
Can we add a utility like this somewhere? Use case is reporting / printing errors when run.wait() fails. ``` std::string to_string(ert_cmd_state state) { switch(state) { case ERT_CMD_STATE_NEW: return "NEW"; case...
I see this timestamp in my generated xml file: 831654275173 In Windows Performance Analyzer, I see that it correlates to: 22,860,603,300 ns I can't find any documentation anywhere that defines...
When you generate the GIF with the default example, for some reason a node gets generated for the main() function even though main() is not decorated. Is there a way...
#### Problem solved by the commit When foreign CMake projects link against XRT::xrt_coreutil The target's property INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES is empty. Today our customers resolve this by doing ``` add_library(myLib myLib.cpp) target_include_directories(myLib... Can this magic number `1024` be explained, or perhaps improved to some calculation? Does it depend on the size of the output? (I notice that if I increase the...