Bryan Lozano
Bryan Lozano
What model were you trying to run? What version of Tensorflow was used to train the model? I suspect maybe your model is from old TF, and the name of...
This is a real, but minor issue with the image tag. You can retag it yourself. But if you don’t want to retag it: For now, please do: # TensorFlow...
Alveo U50 is only supported in the Xilinx/Vitis-AI github repository. Vitis-AI is evolved from MLSuite and has a broader scope. It supports more boards, plus edge devices. On Wed,...
Hi, It looks like you missed a setup step. To quantize a model for running on FPGA, you need a calibration set of images. These images are run through the...
Yes, someone in the Anaconda world broke us. We will have to work on a solid work around. Another used did this: conda install -c defaults protobuf libprotobuf
I’ve reopened this in hopes that new users see this sooner vs later.
It is not possible to build the overlays aka “xclbins” for U280 unless you have the encrypted RTL for our engine. The RTL has to slightly change on our side...
Thanks! We will fix this internally, and push out the fix in the next release.
Stay tuned, this is well underway, and should be released in 2 to 4 weeks. On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 9:10 AM kindrt wrote: > Hi, > > Can...
Hi, This looks like a compiler bug. It seems like it is trying to print something, that something is of type float, but it was specified as an integer. It...