
Results 8 comments of wigglybanana

hey , i have done all , with the same configurations but still couldn't figure out how to call the module. ``` func _ready(): if(Engine.has_singleton("GodotBluetooth")): bluetooth = Engine.get_singleton("GodotBluetooth") bluetooth.init(get_instance_id(), false)...

`Make sure that on host device all security levels are open for application. ` how can i assure this ?

Thanks , I got it working by enabling permissions on android export settings which are ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/56392801/112218218-886d8900-8c34-11eb-8185-f61395853120.png)

firstly, sorry to inform you that it is not compatible with younger builds since android structure has changed a lot in 3.2 . and make sure that you are using...

Yes that is correct , i can provide you my builds if you want . It's sheered 8MB .

Yes, i assume . Will provide them as soon as i reach to my rig.

These code chunks were made in GODOT2 , you might expect those errors.

be the hero of every godoter and get this up to at least 3.2 man